Commune AI governance is based on the principles of decentralization, transparency, and community-driven decision-making. It is designed to ensure that the Commune protocol remains secure, efficient, and adaptive to the evolving landscape of the world. Ideas of anyone can rise from the bottom up towards implementation.
Commune's governance model is decentralized, meaning that decisions are made by a distributed network of stakeholders rather than a centralized authority. This approach ensures that no single entity has full control over the protocol's direction or operation. Only ideas the majority finds reasonable can be actualized.
Community members can submit proposals for changes to the Commune protocol, such as protocol upgrades, parameter adjustments, or funding requests. These proposals are subject to a voting process, where stakeholders can approve or reject them based on their merits.
You can view and vote on proposals on the Community Proposals website.
Commune's voting mechanism allows stakeholders to cast votes on community proposals, with each stakeholder's voting power proportional to their stake. This system ensures that decisions are made by those who have a vested interest in the protocol's success and an increased likelihood of understanding.
To participate in a proposal, you need to acquire tokens through mining, purchasing, or earning them through other protocol activities. These tokens represent your voting power and influence within the governance system.
Visit the Community Proposals website to view the latest proposals submitted by community members. Each proposal contains details about the proposed change, its rationale, and the potential impact on the network.
When a governance proposal is open for voting, use your governance tokens to cast your vote in favor of or against the proposal. Consider the potential impact of the proposal on the protocol and community, and vote accordingly to support the best interests of the collective.
After the voting period ends, monitor the results to see whether the proposal was approved or rejected by the community. This outcome will determine if the proposal is executed or discarded.
CommuneX CLI fully supports all governance processes, thy are located under the network and subnet subcommand.
comx network list-proposals
comx network vote-proposal <proposal-id> [--key] [--disagree]
If you don't specify a key you want to vote with, all keys on your disk will be used.
Note that this will burn an amount specified as a global parameter under the proposal_cost filed. If your proposal passes, the amount will be fully returned back to the same wallet, that submitted the proposal.
comx network propose-globally <key-name> [--max-allowed-modules] [--max-registrations-per-block] [--target-registrations-interval] [--target-registrations-per-interval] [--unit-emission] [--max-name-length] [--burn-rate] [--min-burn] [--max-burn] [--min-stake] [--min-weight-stake] [--max-allowed-subnets] [--adjustment-alpha] [--floor-delegation-fee] [--max-allowed-weights] [--nominator] [--proposal-cost] [--proposal-expiration] [--proposal-participation-threshold]
The call to the blockchain then gets processed as follows.
First go to the Governance Page, click New Proposal and follow the steps to create the contents of your proposal. Copy the format and host it with an IPFS provider of your choice. For a full guidance follow this article. After retrieving the IPFS cid
comx network add-custom-proposal <key-name> <cid>
comx subnet propose-on-subnet <netuid> <key-name> [--name] [--founder] [--founder-share] [--immunity-period] [--incentive-ratio] [--max-allowed-uids] [--max-allowed-weights] [--min-allowed-weights] [--max-stake] [--min-stake] [--tempo] [--trust-ratio] [--vote-mode] [--max-weight-age]
First upload the contents of the proposal to IPFS (process described above)
comx subnet add-custom-proposal <netuid> <key-name> <cid>