Global Parameters apply across the whole protocol and all subnets. They allow to configure the protocols constraints to optimize its functioning. If problems appear, a parameter change might suffice to mitigate them. New parameters can be introduced.
Global Parameter changes require a proposal to pass through the DAO governance process.
max_allowed_subnets: The maximum number of subnets allowed in the blockchain. This limits the total number of subnets that can exist at once.
max_allowed_modules: The maximum number of modules allowed per subnet. It sets an upper limit on the number of modules that can be added globally to the network.
max_registrations_per_block: The maximum number of registrations allowed per block. This parameter controls the number of registrations that can be processed in a single block.
target_registrations_interval: The number of blocks that defines the registration interval. It determines the interval at which registrations are targeted to occur, it's essential part of the registration burn calculation.
target_registrations_per_interval: The desired number of registrations per interval. This parameter sets the target number of registrations to be processed within each registration interval. Also essential part of the registration burn calculation.
unit_emission: The emission per block. It specifies the amount of new tokens emitted in each block.
max_name_length: The maximum length allowed for a network name. It sets an upper limit on the number of characters that can be used in a network name (module or subnet).
min_name_length: The minimum length allowed for a network name. It sets a lower limit on the number of characters that can be used in a network name (subnet / module).
burn_rate: The rate at which tokens are burned. It determines the percentage or amount of tokens that are permanently removed from circulation.
min_burn: The minimum burn required. It sets the minimum amount of tokens that need to be burned for a registration.
max_burn: The maximum burn allowed. It sets an upper limit on the amount of tokens that can be burned for a registration.
min_stake: The minimum stake required. It specifies the minimum amount of tokens that need to be staked on a module when registering.
min_weight_stake: The minimum stake per weight required.
adjustment_alpha: The adjustment alpha parameter. Used in the steepness of registration burn calculation.
floor_delegation_fee: The minimum delegation fee. It sets the lowest percentage that can be charged as a fee for delegating tokens.
max_allowed_weights: The maximum number of weights allowed weights that validator can set.
curator: The account ID / multisig ID of the curator in general subnet DAO.
proposal_cost: The cost of creating a proposal. It sets the amount of tokens required to submit a proposal, returned when the proposal passes.
proposal_expiration: The expiration time for proposals. It determines the duration after which a proposal is considered expired.
proposal_participation_threshold: The minimum participation threshold for proposals. It sets the required percentage or number of participants needed for a proposal to be considered valid.
subnet_stake_threshold: The stake threshold for subnets. It specifies the minimum % amount of all staked tokens, that need to be staked on a subnet to produce emission.
You can query all of these global parameters using CLI:
comx network params